A miracle made by Saint Quiteria of Frexeiras when she cured me from dengue hemorrhage in 1999.
Francineide Arruda de Carvalho
Aracajo, Sergipe, 09–09–10
— tagged with “hemorrhage”
A miracle made by Saint Quiteria of Frexeiras when she cured me from dengue hemorrhage in 1999.
Francineide Arruda de Carvalho
Aracajo, Sergipe, 09–09–10
Retablo by Severino Silva
I thank Saint Quiteria of Frexeiras for curing my son-in-law from a hemorrhage.
August ’06 — Cururipe, Alagoas
Quiteria Pedrosa da Silva
Retablo by Severino Silva
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving my husband from a heavy hemorrhage. The bleeding didn’t stop, he was choking with blood, and we implored to you, Holy Mother. We dedicate this retablo thanking you for having heard our prayers.
Retablo by Unknown artist #41