My mother-in-law Tamborina Sanchez Aldama used to put false ideas in my wife’s head. She was telling her that I might have another family, that I was flirting with other women, that I was spending all my money for booze, and other stupid things. One day she was in hurry to get to our house to tell my wife that I had a son on the side. But she had an accident at the corner. There were sewerage works going on and she didn’t notice an opened manhole which she fell into. She was in come when they got her out. I thank Saint Sebastian de Aparicio for that. Now her lies won’t ruin my marriage. Besides, everything she had been telling about me eventually turned out to be just fantasies in her head—which by a true miracle doesn’t function anymore.
Apolonio Rosas de Cacho
Teteles de Avila Castillo, Puebla, 1996