In one eruption he unites birth and death. He is not man, he is not a god either. He is not me, he’s more than me, his belly is the labyrinth in which I find myself, being him. That is a monster. — Andre Masson
We stood terrified, staring at the devil dog with a man’s face. We froze for only a moment before we took off running, screaming and arms flailing back to the safety of my best friend’s home. His mother had warned us not to go out after dark, but we thought she was just a crazy bruja (not an evil one, more the healer type) and of course we didn’t heed her. She had an excessive need to protect her children from Evil. For this reason she seemed to invite it. Upon reading her home we exclaimed what we had seen. Immediately she made us kneel as she prayed fervently to St. Michael for his protection and she blessed us with holy water. I thank him for saving us but we couldn’t be consoled.
1983 — Ruben Urrea Moreno