— tagged with “literature”

I dedicate this exvoto to Saint Thomas Aquinas for the literary fecundity of Sister Juana Ines de la Cruz. Not a long time ago I participated in a poetry contest in my town and I took the first prize for reading one of her poems.

Soledad Castillo, Mexico

I’m a great admirer of the classical literature because I liked reading ever since I was little. My favorite book was “Don Quixote of La Mancha” by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. I give infinite thanks to the Virgin of Carmel for I could travel to Spain and do the windmill route in La Mancha and saw “the giants” of Don Quixote.

Retablo by

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Francisco Rivera thanks Saint Nicholas of Bari with this retablo for he found a very antique edition of “Don Quixote” which will become a great piece of his collection.