— tagged with “slippers”

Señora Nadina woke up in her house and saw the nagual taking away her favorite slippers. The poor thing almost fainted from fear but implored the Holy Virgin of Zapopan who sent a beam of light. The nagual dropped a slipper and went hiding under the table.

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The shoes in our family were scratched and torn. We didn’t know the reason until one night when I woke up to go to the bathroom and looked under the bed searching my slippers and saw there the culprits. There were aluxes with giant claws. They tried to put my favorite shoes on. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because the duendes ran away in fear when we smoked them out with tobacco. Because it’s a known fact that the aluxes can’t stand the cigar smoke.

One night some martians landed on my farm. They got in my bedroom through the window. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for they didn’t abduct me or my dog that didn’t even wake up. One of my slippers is all they took. They though it was a very valuable object.

One night some martians landed on my farm. They got in my bedroom through the window. I thank the Virgin of San Juan for they didn’t abduct me for their experiments, nor did they take my dog that didn’t even wake up. One of my slippers is all they took, and they seemed to be very interested in it.

One night some martians landed on my farm. They got in my room through the window. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for they didn’t abduct me or my dog that didn’t even wake up. One of my slippers is all they took.