— tagged with “Talpa”

I thank the Virgin of Talpa for giving me the opportunity of studying her retablos and for it was possible, thanks to the generous support of many people, to publish this book about her. I ask God for his intercession and to always look after the priests of Talpa, holy fathers Estrada Sting, Enrique Flores and Salazar Gonzalez, as well as Martha Becerra, don Francisco Arias and mr. Ernesto Valdez.

Prof. Elin Luque Agraz, Mexico City, May 10, 2015

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I thank God and his mother, Virgin of the Rosary of Talpa. It was March 1995, we were going to Talpa, and, before Cruz de Romero, there is a spot on a curve which we used for our physical needs. It was the dawn, and, although there was a beautiful moon, it was difficult to see. I went away to find an appropriate place and suddenly felt that I was being pulled to the cliff. It was a strong pull of my entire body, clothes and moreover my hair. I implored the Virgin and asked my companions for help. They saved me from a secure death right away. I dedicate this retablo in gratitude.

Alejandrina Q. de Navarro
February, 2000

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— tagged with and , , and #

Our Lady from Talpa, I’m going to thank you for letting me get control of my legs again. I couldn’t walk for almost a year because of an accident when I fell down the stairs in my house. Nothing would help me, and I implored you. Now I’m leaving this wheelchair.

Juana Virginia
Talpa, Jalisco, December 15, 1930

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My daughter Antonia went insane after her fiancé left her for another woman. She even started howling to the Moon. I prayed to the Virgin of the Rosary of Talpa, and she miraculously regained her her sanity.

Talpa — July 15, 1968

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