— tagged with “comics”

Since my son began to read comics he got an idea that he was also a superhero. One day he tied a tablecloth around his neck and climbed the tallest tree in our garden. When I saw him ready to jump, I ran to him invoking the Virgin of Zapopan. By a miracle he landed softly on the grass, and I could swear he even flew a little bit. I made him promise me to not do such thing again, and I hope he’ll keep his word.

My son Miguel didn’t pay any attention at the class and always dreamt about superheroes. The teacher was angry with him because he didn’t learn and I began to worry that my little son would stay stupid for ever. Thanks to Our Lady of Zapopan, who heard my prayers, the teacher was changed, and the new one brought to Miguel comic books about superheroes. He started to read them with interest and learned to read quite rapidly. I offer this retablo to the Virgin.