Gabriel Fernández Ledesma

June 3, 1928, I met two strangers near the ranch de la Tinaja. They tried to kill me. I entrusted myself to the Virgin of Zapopan, and she saved me. I bring this retablo in gratitude for this miracle.

Tizapan el Alto, Jalisco, August 1928
Jesus Feliz Salcedo

Night of August 21, 1918, I was sleeping with my baby, and a fire broke out. A burning beam fell on us but I managed to get through the flames with my baby. The Virgin of Guadalupe saved us, and I bring her this retablo.

I stopped at the Retoño Mansion. 11 p.m., I was peacefully sleeping with my baby-girl when a big fire that took all the house woke us up. Although I wasn’t feeling well because of shock and fright, I managed to get out without burns. It was a real miracle of the Virgin of Guadalupe whom I entrusted myself that desperate moment.

February 14, 1918
Demetria Luna

January 27, 1908, I left my three-year-old boy to play alone. When I was back, I saw that the pigs jumped on him and tried to eat him. I entrusted myself to the Holy Child of Atocha and started to throw stones at the pigs. Since I managed to save my son and he was safe and sound, I dedicate this retablo in gratitude.

Plateros, Zacatecas. March 1908
Teofila Martinez