Genrich William

Генрих Вильям

Señora Nadina woke up in her house and saw the nagual taking away her favorite slippers. The poor thing almost fainted from fear but implored the Holy Virgin of Zapopan who sent a beam of light. The nagual dropped a slipper and went hiding under the table.

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I give thanks to the Holy Daughter of Putin because thanks to the food sanctions we won’t suffer from obesity. August 2014.

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Señora Nadina was having breakfast at the terrace of her fazenda when came the nagual with big ears who bared his teeth and was breathing warmly. She thanks the Virgin of Zapopan because the nagual only wanted to eat the apple tarts from the table and not her.

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The team “A gold in an hour” thanks the Holy Virgin of Zapopan for staying in the Superior League of “What? Where? When?” and only lost few places in the tournament table.

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My husband tried to smuggle me in Europe in a suitcase without a visa. But I was discovered in the airport by a border control officer. I thank the Statue of Liberty for I wasn’t sent back.

Señora Nadina and I were seating on a bench having a snack when the nagual came out of the woods. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because she drove the nagual away with her prayers.

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Once there was such a terrible heat in California, that all the corn dry and fell out of mealies. And the old Billy Dorset’s bull decided that it was snow and froze to death. I am grateful to the Holy Virgin of Zapopan for this idea occurred only to the bull.