— tagged with “adoption”

My little sister and I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Sorrows. Although we remained orphans and spent bad days in a shelter in Toluca, we have been adopted by a very rich family from the capital. Here we are eating oranges and cookies with our parents and brother.

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We thank Saint Charbel for the miracle. We were permitted to adopt Jocelito, two months old. My beloved Pamela always dreamt about us being parents, so now we’re happy beyond all measure.

Pamela & Cipriano Cejuda
Mexico City — June 15, 2010

My boyfriend was diagnosed with infertility. Because of that he wouldn’t marry me. With great devotion, I thank the Lord of Wonders because he finally agreed to do so. So now we are proud parents of an adopted son.

Sunday morning, a lost soul left her baby at my kitchen door. Since my husband and I lived alone and all our kids moved out, we adopted the baby. We thank the Virgin of San Juan for this marvelous blessing to have another baby.

On Sunday, at the dawn, I waked up frightened. I was in anxiety. It made me go to the kitchen where I suddenly heard a baby crying. I came in the yard and there I saw an abandoned baby. Thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan, I didn’t wake up later when the baby would have been dead from cold and hunger. Instead, now this baby is my joy.

We dedicate this retablo to the Captive Lord because our daughters, Olga and Elena, forgave us after they had found the adoption certificates which we had been keeping hidden because none of the girls had known they were orphans.

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