I decided to slide downhill on high heels. Thanks to my Guardian angel for nobody saw how it ended.
I decided to slide downhill on high heels. Thanks to my Guardian angel for nobody saw how it ended.
Retablo by Elena Bukina
Full understanding with my friend Jorik brings us together not just spiritually but visually as well! Thanks to the Guardian Angel for I got me a little son Georgy Mikhalich Smagluk.
Retablo by Elena Bukina
I, Smagluk Misha, was going at work and happened to turn my head to a shop-window. I fell in love at first sight with Jorik—an incredibly beautiful exotic parrot. Now he lives in my workshop. We have full mutual understanding. I thank my guardian angel for my head turned in the right direct at the right time.
Retablo by Elena Bukina
The cats occasionally fall from the roof on the patio table my friends and I sit at. I thank my Guardian angel for no one from us has had a stroke from fear.
Retablo by Elena Bukina
My friend and I went on our bikes 15 km from our village to eat mulberries. When I picked the berries I was so delighted I lost my awareness and didn’t notice a pit. The pit was deep, and I fell into it on my belly and my spine arched. Thanks to the Guardian Angel I didn’t break in two pieces and didn’t ride home with my knees backwards.
Retablo by Elena Bukina
My daughter and I were without light for four months. We thought the wiring was faulty and we had to face a serious repair work. But the Guardian Angel sent us my nephew who just put new bulbs.
Retablo by Elena Bukina
One night I was awakened by the noise that came from a strange ball. It rolled right at me. The ball got on my sofa. I felt pain. It was very dark and very scary. Then this ball rolled back and disappeared in the open window. I thank my Guardian Angel, because there were only fighting cats. They scratched “Z” on my skin with their claws.
Retablo by Elena Bukina
I, Sasha Sh., work in cash-in-transit. Some time ago, I dropped a money bag on my foot and broke it. Thanks to my Guardian Angel because the foot has healed and I had one month of rest. Now I carry moneybags very gently.
Retablo by Elena Bukina
I thank my Angel because on the night of January 12, 2014, my niece Natasha Demidova and I saw an UFO in the sky over Krasnodar. Objects were flying in the northwest direction. I was dreaming to see an UFO all my life!
Retablo by Elena Bukina
When I was lying on the sun, I saw strange, absolutely gray people. I was curious, I followed them and saw a mud. Overcoming my fear, I also rolled in it. And—a miracle!—the pain in my joints was gone! I thank the Angel for guiding me to this magical source.
Retablo by Elena Bukina
Yesterday, in the yard, we had a funeral banquet for a neighbor. Another neighbor, a living one, 60 years old and quite tipsy from the memorial drink, was sitting opposite me. Focusing his bleary eyes on me, he said “Lena, you’re bery bootiful. Let’s live together!” and vomited right after these words. It was the first time someone proposed me in that manner. Thanks to my Guardian Angel for the neighbor didn’t vomit on me.
Retablo by Elena Bukina
I had to insulate the pipe with sealing foam, but the button on a can wasn’t working. Then I tried to cut the can with the ax. What a fountain I got! It took me a long time to scrap off the foam from the walls and myself. Thanks to the Angel because I still managed to insulate the pipe.
Retablo by Elena Bukina
I was walking in the park with my daughter. An exhibitionist came out from bushes towards us. I thank my Guardian Angel for distracting my little daughter from that horrible sight.
Retablo by Elena Bukina