Avelino Sanchez thanks, form the bottom of his heart, the Virgin of Guadalupe for helping him that night when the town lumber storage was on fire. The flames were dangerous but he went through it unharmed.
Torreon, Coahuila
— tagged with “Coahuila”
Avelino Sanchez thanks, form the bottom of his heart, the Virgin of Guadalupe for helping him that night when the town lumber storage was on fire. The flames were dangerous but he went through it unharmed.
Torreon, Coahuila
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe with this retablo because I managed to execute the mission imposed on me by mr. Madero. With these great, brave women and with their tricks, we managed to transport successfully the arms and the ammunition in trains—from the border with Texas to Piedras Negras, Coahuila—to protect the “San Luis” plan.
A. Aguirre Benavides
October 1910
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Don Venustiano Hernandez’ heifers escaped from their pastures. Don was very sad because he looked for them everywhere but couldn’t find them. He asked Saint Francis of Assisi for help, and the saint helped him to find them. Few days later he caught them safe and sound. He thanks for that.
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Jesus Malverde, we thank you for your protection. We passed over an hour in a hard confrontation. But when we almost ran out of bullets, we managed to escape safe and unharmed, with the goods.
Pablo Aurilla
Coahuila, 2—22—75
Retablo by Unknown artist #62