Miriam Gomes paints the animals at the ranch. Please, make her quit this habit.
— tagged with “art”
Miriam Gomes paints the animals at the ranch. Please, make her quit this habit.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
B. T. thanks the Virgin of the Solitude with this retablo for the success he had with the exposition of his works the theme of which was nudity.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
The Holy Virgin of Guadalupe we thank. We thank for we met and knew each other on the road of the art. We share our knowledge and our work in order to save this precious tradition of the ex-voto, which tells us the history of our beloved Mexico. Because the art is a miracle of God.
Corner of the miracles, Mexico City
Elin Luque A. & Alfredo Vilchis
June 1, 2004. Tuesday
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Thank you, Holy God, for having had G. Courbet paint “L’origine du Monde” since now I can pretend this aint just another perverted drawing of mine but an hommage to the masterpiece.
Retablo by Gino Rubert
Juan from Coaxustenco, Mexico, offers this retablo to St. Isidor Labourer because he and his family continue to work with clay by tradition of his forefathers, and it is the pride of his town.
May 15, 2000
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
We thank all means of communication, museums, galleries and arts centers who have faith in our work. We thank also Juan Diego who helps us in our mission as messengers of faith.
Corner of the miracles, Mexico City
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Virgin of Guadalupe, mother of the Mexicans, through this ex-voto, I give thanks for your favor, because, on my creative path, I met this people, who believed in my work and who invited me to participate in their project and to publish this marvelous book «The Imaginary Revolution». We all together, Karen, Daniel Goldin, Conrrado Tostado and Alfredo Vilchis, you humble and devoted son, thank you and ask you to bless our work.
Minas de Cristo, Mexico City
July 2005
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Carlos Rivera dedicates this retablo to Saint John Baptist de La Salle because many of his neighbors gave him permission to paint their houses with graffiti so he became a very famous and popular artist.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Saint Jude Thaddeus, I thank you because I find inspiration in wrestling to create paintings about traditions and fantasies of my Mexico that lives with folk tradition.
From Mexico to entire world.
A(lfredo) V(ilchis) R(oque)
Alley of miracles, Minas de Cristo. 2009
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis