Rafael Vasquez went to the sea, got entangled in the seaweed and started to drown. He thanks the Virgin of San Juan with this retablo for saving his life and promises to be more careful.
— tagged with “seaweed”
Rafael Vasquez went to the sea, got entangled in the seaweed and started to drown. He thanks the Virgin of San Juan with this retablo for saving his life and promises to be more careful.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I loved swimming underwater and diving right to the bottom to see what an incredible life boils down there. I felt like a mermaid in my dominion. But one day, I caught up in the algae while enjoying swimming underwater. I tried to get out but only tangled up myself more. I felt pain in my lungs. Just when I thought I was going to die I saw a light and got free. I know it was Saint Barbara who get me out, and I thank for it.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I was swimming and got tangled in algae. I couldn’t get out and there was no air to breathe. Then Saint Barbara appeared and sent dozens of fish which began to swim around me in the opposite direction the algae twisted. It helped me to get free. I came to the surface and recover my breath. I thank the saint for saving me.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
My children were playing on the beach, and my daughter’s doll was taken by a wave. My daughter is a good swimmer so she dived after her doll. But she got tangled in some seaweed and couldn’t get out. I ran to that place where she disappeared but Saint Barbara made so that our brave dog rushed there before me and dragged my girl to the shore pulling by her clothes. I thank the Saint for such a wonderful dog who is a real hero.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I woke up very early to go to swim. I got tangled with seaweed and started to drown. But thanks to the Virgin of the Rosary my sister Luisa heard my voice in her dream and came running to save me before I drown.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
My son Ramon is a good swimmer. One day we swam underwater and he got entangled in the seaweed. I thank Saint Barbara because she made me look back so I saw him entangled. I managed to save him in time so we didn’t drown. I offer this retablo thanking for the miracle.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Evodio Martinez was drowning when he swam underwater because his leg got stuck in bulrush. He entrusted himself to the Saint Archangel Michael. Because he saved his own skin Evodio gives thanks with this retablo for such a great miracle.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández