— tagged with “UFO”

I was on the roof when an UFO threw a light on me. Thanks, nothing bad happened with me.

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When Estela and I were going to church we heard a strange buzzing noise. We turned the corner and we saw a light behind us and after that blue balls with eyes and feelers came out from a ship. They followed us. We ran to the church, filled with horror. We thank the Virgin of San Juan because those balls were moving slowly and they couldn’t catch us. Now we choose a longer way when we go to the church or to the market. But they say walking is good for health and it is an exercise for legs.

We were having a picnic, when an UFO appeared. We thank, because the extraterrestrials didn’t take us with them on their planet.

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When my family and I came back from our relatives to our village, we discovered that all the inhabitants had been abducted by an UFO. We thank the Virgin of Zapopan because the UFO didn’t notice us, so now we had the entire village in our disposal.

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I’m very grateful to the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving me from a flying saucer which wanted to abduct me. I was very frightened but thanks to the Virgin, who heard my prayers, the UFO disappeared.

Juan Perez Valle
Rancho Los Coyotes, Puebla. 1968

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