— tagged with “chili”

I thank Saint Paschal with this humble retablo because I won the town chiles en nogada contest. Many people ask me about my secret of its delicious taste, and I always say that it is the love that I put in it. My eternal devotion to Saint Paschal.

Petra Tlachi
Tlatlauquitepec, Puebla

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Petra Sanches was making a mole on her kitchen and in the moment when she was grinding chili pepper she accidentally caught her tit in the mortar. She bruised it badly. Since no remedy helped her she called Saint Paschal and got cured. She gives thanks for this.

Puebla, 1920

Sister Clementina and sister Lucia dedicate this retablo to Saint Paschal Baylon in gratitude because he blessed them and gave them ability to make mole and chili en nogada that the bishop enjoyed so much. He was very happy with the food.

Puebla de los Angeles, 1946

The young man Raul Sarmiento ate a lot of dry chili peppers in order to impress his fiancée. He had a choke from it. He thanks Saint James for nothing serious happened and promises never to do it again.

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Juan Ramirez thanks Saint Isidor Labourer with this retablo for the big crop of chile pepper habanero. Now he even thinks about buying an agricultural machinery.

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As much as she tried, Federica Villegas wasn’t able to prepare chiles en nogada. She asked Saint Paschal for help. Now she cooks it very well and thanks for that.

Puebla, 1920

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The gringo Jimmy Johnson tried to eat a handful of dried grasshoppers with chili in order to impress his girlfriend. But he choked. He thanks St. Patrick because he didn’t choke to death.

Cholula, 1937

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Petra Sanches was making a mole on her kitchen and in the moment when she was grinding chili pepper she accidentally caught her tit in the mortar. She bruised it badly. Since no remedy helped her she called Saint Paschal and got cured. She gives thanks for this.

Puebla, 1919