— tagged with “coccyx”

Jeronima Tiomitzi was carrying a jug full of pulque, and when she passed near a damned mule she received a kick in her coccyx. She gives thanks to the Child of Atocha for she has been recovered and the owner of the mule has repaid for her jug and pulque.

Puebla, 1920

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When Gregoria Coyotzi was gathering wood, she received a blow in her bottom from her donkey. It broke her coccyx, and she was feeling very bad. She implored the Virgin of San Juan and got recovered. She’s infinitely thankful for that.

Puebla, 1914

At a volleyball match, Catalino Fernandez hit his coccyx. It was very painful. He thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for he’s got healed and is back again to play volleyball.

Monterrey, 1950

Gudelia Meneses had to go shopping. Since it was raining and she didn’t want to ruin her new shoes, she put her husband boots on. But they were so big, she slipped and fell in a puddle. She hit her coccyx so bad, she though she’d become paralyzed. She thanks the Virgin of the Rosary for her quick recovery from the back pain.