— tagged with “thunderstorm”

Angelina and Rosario Morales gives thanks to the Virgin of San Juan because she sent them the storm warning so they managed to gather all their animals in time. The animals didn’t get hurt like the neighbors’ animals, some of whom died in that storm.

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Catarino Chavez was carrying wineskins with aguamiel near Cholula when he got caught in a strong thunderstorm. He was passing under a black cherry tree when a lighting struck into it. Catarino entrusted himself to the Virgin of Guadalupe. Neither he nor his donkeys got hurt. He thanks for that with the retablo.


I thank San Miguel, my patron saint, for saving me from being bitten by a very large venomous rattlesnake. It was a very close call. I remember the day very clearly. I was wearing my brand new blue jeans, and I was looking at the distant rain storm. When the snake struck, my hear almost pounded of my chest, & I nearly became ill with “susto”, fright sickness.


Since it was a terrible storm outside, I decided to wait until it finished watching TV. Suddenly I heard a very loud boom. I looked out and I saw that my car had been struck and burnt by lightning. I thank Our Lord Jesus Christ for the miracle that I wasn’t in the car at that moment.

Jesus Torres Z.
Mexico, 1995

Retablo by

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There was a big drought in 1963 and 1964. The soil started to crack and my animals were dying. I thank Saint Isidore the Labourer because finally, after many prayers and requests, 28th of july a heavy thunderstorm arrived with rain falling several days after.