— tagged with “tree”

I wanted to impress my neighbor whom I was attracted to. I climbed up a tree to save her kitten, totally forgetting that I have a fear of heights. I thank the Holy Child of Atocha because the firefighters arrived to bring me down, since I was so scared I couldn’t move. The cat meanwhile came down by itself giving me a great embarrassment in front of the people and the girl. I promise not to pretend to be brave anymore to avoid being a ridicule.

Benito Segura / Morelia, Michoacan

We thank you, Virgin of Juquila, for saving us and the bus from falling down the cliff.

Jasinto and Toño, Oaxaca, Mexico, 196*

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The Mendoza brothers, Samuel and Luis, were horse racing, and one of them hit a branch. They give due thanks to the Merciful Lord for he recovered and didn’t became idiot.

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Luisa Ramos was modeling for an adult magazine, climbing on a tree. But the branch broke off, and she fell down. She thanks Saint Nicholas for she only broke her arm and will be back to her usual activities soon.

I, Emmanuel Espin PIneda, give thanks to God for my life and because I was planted in a beautiful garden. I hope my fruits would be good, because you are God who makes a dry tree flourish. I finished painting this exvoto in front of the Tree of Tule in Santa Maria, Oaxaca. Mexico, 2020.

Tree of Tule

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Efren Guzman was in the middle of mountain bike racing, when he had an epileptic seizure and crashed into a tree. He thanks infinitely the Child of Atocha with the present retablo for his life was saved, although he won’t compete anymore.

When I was five, a turkey ran after me in the yard. It bit me and chased me up to a tree. It was gobbling loudly and shaking its horrid thing. I prayed my Guardian Angel, and my mommy saved me from this monster.

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After the freezing rain a tree behind my house almost hit the roof, but then came volunteers led by Yevgeny Grekov. Peter Kojin showed wonderful acrobatics while sawing off terrible branches. I thank my Guardian Angel for sending me these good people.

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My name is Dima M. I work as an engineer at the Olympic site in Sochi. I left my car in Krasnodar in the yard of my friend Katya D. Once the freezing rain occurred in Krasnodar. Katya D., with her gentle hands, cut the tree that was so heavy it was about to fall on the car. I thank my Guardian Angel and my friend for saving my car. I gave my car to Katya D. for that.

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In the evening I go to a tree and rub my member against it. Forgive me, Virgin.

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Virgin’s image appeared on a tree, and we held a mass. 1975

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The grandfather climbed a tree out of stubbornness but he fell, got a terrible blow and broke his hips. He was very sad he couldn’t walk. We thank Saint James because Frida the painter elevated his spirit when she visited us.

Maria Ruis
Puebla, 1943

1914, I was caught in a storm on my way to Puebla. I was riding my horse near a tree, and a lighting hit it right over my head. The tree got on fire. I thank the Virgin of San Juan with this retablo for I didn’t get burn alive.