Ramira Guevara, faithful and devoted to the Virgin of the Solitude, brings this retablo thanking because her friend Frida had improvements in her illness and now she’s happy with her pets.
Mexico, 1944
— tagged with “Frida Kahlo”
Ramira Guevara, faithful and devoted to the Virgin of the Solitude, brings this retablo thanking because her friend Frida had improvements in her illness and now she’s happy with her pets.
Mexico, 1944
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Roberta Garcia, with all her devotion, thanks Saint Charbel with the present retablo because she met the artist Frida and they have established a friendship. Roberta is very happy because she admires the artist a lot.
Mexico, 1949
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Karina Morales, with all her devotion, brings this retablo the Virgin of the Solitude thanking for she finally met in person Frida Kahlo, who is her most favorite artist.
Mexico, 1945
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Maria Juaquina Jimenez thanks the Holy Child of Atocha with this retablo for he made so she finally met the painter Frida in person and got her autograph.
Mexico, 1945
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
1939, my wife got pregnant and I had no job at the time. So I became a shoeshiner and that way I met Frida, the artist. Having found out about my problem, she helped me. My wife gave birth to the baby, and I’m infinitely thankful for this to the Virgin of San Juan and to Frida.
Mexico City
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Anselma Zavaleta went for a few days to the port of Veracruz. She met her most favorite painter by the name of Frida Kahlo over there. They became friends, and she thanks Saint Charbel for that with the present retablo.
Mexico, 1951
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Because of a bad fight she had had with her husband, the painter Frida was feeling weighed down. I prayed the Virgin of the Solitude, and the painter got better. She found herself happy playing with her pets, and I thank for that.
Alicia Ruiz
Mexico, 1945
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
1944, my friend, the artist Frida, was in poor health. I prayed to the Holy Child of Atocha, and my friend got better. Now she’s very happy, and I made this retablo thanking for it.
Mexico, 1944
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández