— tagged with “overeating”

The demon of the gluttony possessed me and always whispered me “Oh, Lupe, how delicious it is!” So I kept eating and kept getting fat. My family was angry at me because I wouldn’t leave them anything to eat. One day I overate so much, I felt very bad. I prayed Saint Paschal Baylon for help, and he drove the demon away. So now I eat very little.

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Pepe Zavaleta got food poisoning with shrimps and almost kicked the bucket. He thanks the Holy Child Doctor for saving his life and promises to be less gluttonous. He brings this retablo in gratitude.

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I’m immensely grateful to you, Saint Jude, for giving me the will-power to renounce the gluttony.

Maricela Ortega

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My boy Panchito ate a lot of sweets and felt severe pain in the stomach. Nothing helped him so I entrusted him to the Holy Child Doctor. With his divine help and with help of the doctor Panchito is feeling well now. I offer this retablo for that.

Serafina Muñoz

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Because her boyfriend left her, Elisa Morales dedicated herself to eating trying to kill her pain. But she started to gain weight. Her cat and her dog started to put on weight also. They were like balloons. Elisa realized that she couldn’t put her clothes on anymore. So she prayed to Saint Paschal Baylon to control her appetite. The Saint worked the miracle, and Elisa met a handsome young men whom she fell in love with. And this new love helped her to lose weight.