I dedicate this retablo to the Miraculous Virgin so that one day Sarah Palin become the first woman-president of USA because she’s very beautiful and decent woman and wears glasses just like mine. Also I’ve heard she loves tacos.
— tagged with “politics”
I dedicate this retablo to the Miraculous Virgin so that one day Sarah Palin become the first woman-president of USA because she’s very beautiful and decent woman and wears glasses just like mine. Also I’ve heard she loves tacos.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
The representative Luis del Valle received some uncomfortable questions about his homosexual past from a journalist. Luis honestly confessed and now he is much happier, although his political career has ended. He thanks Father Jesus for giving him the courage to live without lies.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I’m celebrating the election of Barack Obama as president of United States. May the Abraham Lincoln’s spirit give him strength, so he would govern with liberty and democracy, with impartial justice and friendly relationship with every corner of the world that welcomes him.
Alfredo Vilchis Roque, artist of the neighborhood
Corner of the miracles, Minas de Cristo, Mexico City
January 20, 2009
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Carmen so that American people would elect John McCain as president because he is a patriot who often goes in the restaurant where my son works, in Phoenix, Arizona.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
Rodolfo Perez, a caricaturist, was beaten and thrown in jail for a caricature of the governor. With this retablo, he thanks Saint Patrick because he got out alive, and he decided it was better to move in another state.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Barbershop «Gold Fringe»
I thank Saint Jude Thaddeus with this retablo because he didn’t leave me when I so needed him. I was going to close my shop, because of lack of clients. But one day a deputy came to my shop and asked for a haircut. He was so pleased with it that he recommended me to his family and the friend from high society. And my life changed.
Basilio Trejo
Mexico City
Retablo by Flor Palomares