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My great-great-grandfather, Colonel Biu das Quengas, fought in the Canudos War, alongside defenders of the holy people. When the Army managed to kill the chief Antônio Conselheiro in the final attack in 1892, my great-great-grandfather escaped because he invoked the divine protection of Blessed Zé Pilintra who appeared riding the Mysterious Peacock.

Retablo by

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I, Jonathan Torrez, thank my Mother, Virgin of Guadalupe, for helping me to survive the war in Iraq in 2002.

Chicago, Illinois

Retablo by

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The Holy Face of God, I thank you for keeping alive all the Mexicans who participated in the Vietnam war. November 1, 1955, the conflict between North Vietnam and South Vietnam began. US sent the general William Westmoreland over there. The war ended on April 30, 1975.

Mexico City, 1976

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That’s how we celebrated that night till dawn with the adelitas (women soldiers) who had taken Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, with the Zaragoza brigade. Thanks to our protectress, Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, the town was surrounded to my general Francisco Villa. Saturday, November 15, 1913, there was a clear victory. Look after our women who risked their lives for this cause.

Simon Trejo

I offer this retablo to the Holy Child of Atocha because my leg has been healed. I got it crushed by a wheel of the canon I was in charge of by the order of the general Felipe Angeles. It happened on the Grillo mountain when we were taking Zacatecas on the evening of July 23, 1914. The city was taken by my general Francisco Villa, and I prayed that my leg wouldn’t have get gangrene. Now I offer this retablo to tell about your favor.

Bartolo Coronel from Fresnillo, Zacatecaz
December 24, 1914

I give thanks to the Lord of Hospital from Salamanca for the miracle of saving me from death in Celaya, April 1915. When we defeated Pancho Villa and his troops, the general Alvaro Obregon had his arm blown off by a grenade. And I was behind him. Realizing what happened, I ordered this retablo.

On the Day-D in june 1944 we disembarked in Normandy. I saw many of my brother-in-arms dying. I entrusted myself to Our Lord Jesus Christ and now I’m an american citizen. I’m thanking for all favors that I’ve received.

Hermenegildo Gonzalez Leon
San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, 1953