My truck threw a rod on the way from Tepeaca to Puebla. It was late night, and I got very scared. I implored Saint James, and soon a villager with a donkey passed by. He towed me for which I thank.
R.G. 1969
— tagged with “Tepeaca”
My truck threw a rod on the way from Tepeaca to Puebla. It was late night, and I got very scared. I implored Saint James, and soon a villager with a donkey passed by. He towed me for which I thank.
R.G. 1969
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I bring my gratitude to the Virgin of Juquila because I sold my chili crop at the market square in Tepeaca.
Rufino Cruz
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
I came from Tepeaca, Puebla, to the United States full of dreams and hopes for a better life for me and my family. I’m infinitely grateful to the Virgin of Guadalupe because I found a good job as a dishwasher in a famous restaurant in New York via a fellow countryman. May you be blessed.
Severiano Pérez \ New York, USA
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Hermenegildo Castro dedicates this humble retablo to Saint Anthony the Great because thanks to his divine intervention he found his donkey Filemon which had been lost in the filed. Without the donkey he couldn’t work and now he’s very glad.
Tepeaca, Puebla
Retablo by Flor Palomares
1958, I went to Tepeaca to sell my goods at the town square. But the bus’ brakes broke down. I entrusted myself to the Father Jesus, and we arrived without any accident. I give thanks for such a big favor.
Dominga Perez
Retablo by Flor Palomares