— tagged with “charity”

The sacristan of the Saint Barbara church gives infinite thanks to Saint Charbel for having received a big donation for the church reconstruction from the painter Frida Kahlo.

Mexico, 1942

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With great humbleness, I dedicate this ex-voto to Saint Francis of Assisi thanking those who support Linda Blair’s WordHeart Foundation. Blessed are those who help the animals because their love will return to them hundredfold.

With great humbleness, I dedicate this ex-voto to Saint Francis of Assisi thanking those who support Linda Blair’s WordHeart Foundation. Blessed are those who help the animals because their love will return to them hundredfold.

Gustavo Andrade joined a satanic sect. One day the devil wanted to take Gustavo with him. Gustavo thanks because he came to his senses and Jesus saved him. He promises to dedicate himself to good things and charity.

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Raquel Rios and Veronica Gonzalez took start dogs and not only fed them but also washed and brushed them and got rid of fleas. Raquel and Veronica thank the Virgin of the Rosary for the opportunity to take a lot of dogs and make them so beautiful that their friends and some other people would like to adopt these dogs and even gave small donations to help in this cause.

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The girl Teresa Ramos thanks Saint John Bosco for helping her to sell all the cookies she was asked to sell for a charity by the school.

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Raquel Rios and Veronica Gonzalez took stray dogs from the street and not only fed them but also washed and brushed them and got rid of fleas. Raquel and Veronica thank the Virgin of San Juan for the opportunity to take a lot of dogs and make them so beautiful that their friends and some other people would like to foster these dogs and even gave small donations to help in their cause.

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Alfonso Romero thanks Saint Bruno with this retablo because he won the wild duck hunting competition. He is going to donate his reward to various charitable foundations.

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