— tagged with “salt”

I decided to put offerings for my late wife on the Day of the Dead and prepared her favorite dishes. On that night I heard someone calling me. When I came to the kitchen I saw that it was my wife telling me off because the food was too salty. I thank God for it was only one time that night when I saw my grumpy wife again because she was unbearable in real life.

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Thanks to you I could escape from my old lady who wanted to beat me. I just said that her food lacked salt, and she went mad. Thanks, Virgin of Guadalupe.

Victor, Oaxaca, Mexico, 1969

I wanted to impress my girlfriend and prepare a romantic dinner for our anniversary. I don’t know how to cook so I checked the recipes on the internet. I give thanks to Saint Anthony for my girl didn’t break up with me that night because the food was very bad, I messed up with salt and seasoning. At the end we ordered a pizza.

Efrain Tellez \ Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas

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I was very proud of my garden. But one day it was invaded by giant snails. I don’t know how they became so big. They began to eat my plants and especially most beautiful flowers. I didn’t know what to do until the Virgin of Guadalupe enlightened me to put a salt around my garden. It scared the snails off and they didn’t come back.

I was very proud of my beautiful garden, but one day it was invaded by swarms of giant snails. Who knows how did they grow up so big, but they began to eat my flowers. I didn’t know what to do, but finally I managed to get rid of them. The Virgin of Guadalupe sent me a great idea to salt around my garden. The snail never came back, and I thank for getting rid of them.

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