Saint Joseph

San José

Don Rogaciano Hernandez offers this retablo to Saint Joseph in order to thank for his son Sabino coming back home after working on the border for many years. Don thought he’d never see his son again.

Leon, Guanajuato

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Martina Ojeda thanks Saint Joseph for the miracle that her husband Eulalio came back home to celebrate the Christmas with her and their children. He worked whole year and they didn’t see him all that time and missed him so much.

Torreon, Coahuila

The police came to the Elsa Camargo’s house because her neighbors were complaining that she kept many cats and it stank a lot. She thanks Saint Joseph for they didn’t take all of her cats away because, otherwise, she would have died of a broken heart.

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I thank Saint Joseph because all my lady friends at church thought that the Chanel knockoff I got at the dollar store was genuine.

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Susan Elizabeth Chen & Jonah Marcel Gilbert Daniel van der Beke, who got married on March 26, 2003, in Bath, England, thank St. Joseph, a patron saint of Belgium, New York, travelers, immigrants and married couples, for two years of their marriage. Also they thank for the Jonah’s Green Card that permits Susan and Jonah live together in New York, with their books, music and their cat Cassie.

Susan Elizabeth Chen & Jonah Marcel Gilbert Daniel van der Beke
March 26, 2005