— tagged with “holy water”

My children’s socks disappeared in a suspicious and alarming way—there was only one sock missing in every pair. I didn’t know what to do. I bought them more socks, but some time later they also had only one sock from every pair. But then, one night, I heard some noises from under the bed. I looked there and I saw blue demons, who turned out to be responsible for the socks disappearance. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for an idea to sprinkle the holy water under the beds. Now my kids have entire pairs of socks because the demons went away in fright.

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The kitchen was filled with corn demons. They we’re unbearably naughty, and we had no idea how to get rid of them. We thank Saint Paschal Baylon, because with our prayers and little bit of holy water we chased these damned demons away.

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Damned demons got in my cellar. They ate my fruits and marmalades. They caused disorder and made the cellar smell like sulfur. The cross and holy water didn’t help. Then my brother gave me a kitten. It’s a known fact that the demons are afraid of the cats. So thanks to the Virgin of San Juan, the demons didn’t come back.

My daughter Luisa started sleepwalking. She went out by nights. I prayed to the Virgin for a cure, and the Holy Virgin gave me an idea to add some holy water to the Luisa’s milk. So now my girl doesn’t walk by nights.

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Doña Marianna, the Dulce Maria Torres’ mother-in-law, used to fell into a rage quite often. She became literally devil-possessed. Father Luis recommended to Dulce to add some holy water in her mother-in-law’s tea and to pray to the Virgin. She thanks the Virgin of the Rosary because her mother-in-law changed.

A rare disease was killing pigs in our parts. Thanks to the fact that we gave to drink holy water to our pigs, they got cured and now they are healthy. We offer this retablo to the Virgin of Zapopan for that miracle.

The Medina Rodriguez family