— tagged with “waterfall”

I took my piglets to the river to wash them because they stunk very much. Suddenly a strong current came from the mountain and took us down the river to the waterfall. I thank Saint Francis who protected us so we didn’t get hurt falling on the rocks nor drowned. We managed to get out to the bank safe and sound.

Antonio Rosales had a bright idea to go down the waterfall in a barrel. The idea turned out to be not so good after all, because he broke both his legs. Antonio thanks Saint Francis for his recovery.

When my children and I were crossing the waterfall our mule fell off the cliff. We thank Holy Child of Atocha for it was caught by branches and the saint gave us enough strength to pull it up. I have no other explanation but miracle that I did it only with the help of my kids.

I was taking bath in the river with my son. The baby boy slipped out of my hands and was taken by the current. I desperately swam after him. I was able to catch his ankle but then we both fell down a waterfall. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for the miracle that we didn’t get hurt.

I was washing the clothes in the river, when one of my shirt was taken by the current. I rushed to catch it, but the current was so strong, that I was carried down to the waterfall [...] I hit the rocks, but thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe I managed to get out the water [...] I thank the Virgin because now I’m getting better.

The little boy Juanito Lopez had a marvelous idea to go down the waterfall in a barrel. His parents thank Saint James because he survived and only broke his legs.