Virgin of Guadalupe

Holy Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, take care of doctors and nurses during this pandemic.

April 2020

Virgin of Guadalupe, I ask you for all the doctors in Mexico and in the world, help them and protect them and their families. Safe them from anything bad. I beg you for all patients with COVID-19 and those who already died—let them rest in eternal peace.

April, 2020

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Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for giving me strength to keep on wrestling so I can support my daughter.

Irma la Douce

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The girl Patricia gives thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe because don Pepe the butcher managed to save her from dying when, leaving the butcher shop, she was attacked by a rabid dog. Here she thanks for the favor received.

October 25, 1985

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I want to thank the Brazilian spirits and, of course, the Virgin of Guadalupe for scaring the cancer away from my mother.

Paris, 2018

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Holy Virgin, many thanks for the miracle you made for me—healing my son Pedrito from a pneumonia.

Lola Sanchez

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Virgin of Guadalupe, I dedicate you this retablo thanking you for giving me strength to get out from this damn hole where the drugs and bad company kept me. I’m healthy now and realize how much I was losing because of this damn sin. I beg you to never let me fell down again.

Felipe, Tacubaya, Mexico City
December 12, 2013

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I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe for eternal peace of my idol Pedro Aguayo Damian, the great, genius, amazing Dog Aguayo. Dog of Nochistlan, thank you for giving us so much joy at the ring.

Pancracio Rodriguez

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Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for not leaving me the day I did an abortion. I was feeling you every moment.

Nancy, 27 years — Mexico City

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Thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe who guided me with her light and helped me to find a safe place to do an abortion.

Monica, 22 years — Queretaro

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When I decided to get an abortion, I asked God and the Virgin of Guadalupe to help me so that everything would go well. Later I met new friends and told them that I felt guilty for all that had happened. Thanks to them I understood that God doesn’t judge, that God is love and that I can take decisions in conscience.

Ana, 19 years — Tabasco

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When I took the decision about an abortion, I was full of fear and doubts. But I entrusted myself to you, Virgin of Guadalupe. I know you would never leave me alone because who else could better understand the situation I was going through.

Teresa, 26 years — Oaxaca

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Many thanks, Virgin of Guadalupe, for always being near and not leaving me alone when I decided not to go on with this pregnancy. You know, my Mother, what was my situation and being mother, like me, I knew you’d understand me.

Julia, 48 years — Queretaro

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Thanks, Virgin of Guadalupe, for showing me the way to find a safe place to do an abortion. You have always bring brave women to my life who like you stay near me.

Paola, 21 years — Chiapas

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