Raquel Garcia dressed up as Wonder Woman for a party and picked up a very handsome man. She testifies her gratitude to Saint Anthony, with this retablo, for her good luck.
— tagged with “dressing up”
Raquel Garcia dressed up as Wonder Woman for a party and picked up a very handsome man. She testifies her gratitude to Saint Anthony, with this retablo, for her good luck.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I wanted to surprise my family so I dressed up as Santa Claus and got in the house to put the gifts around. One thing I didn’t think through is that my dog Rambo wouldn’t recognize me, attack me and chase all around the house. I thank Saint Charbel for my wife could hold the dog before he did more damage to the house and bit my rented Santa Claus costume in pieces.
Abelino Torres, Puebla
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I’m a single father. After my wife died I took charge of my little Mary. She had a desire that we’d dress up as her favorite fairy princess on her birthday. But I was afraid that the guest would laugh at me. I thank Saint James the Apostle because instead of laughs I received congratulations for this act of father love.
Rafael Corona ~ Villahermosa, Tabasco
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Jorge Gutierrez had an idea to propose to his girlfriend dressing as clown without knowing that she is afraid of them. He thanks Saint Pancras with this retablo for he didn’t kill her with a heart attack.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I wanted to surprise my family so I dressed up as Santa Claus and got in the house to put the gifts around. One thing I didn’t think through is that my dog Rambo wouldn’t recognize me. He attacked me and chased all around the house. I thank Saint Nicholas of Bari for my wife could hold the dog before he did more damage to the house and bit my Santa Claus costume in pieces.
Abelino Torres
Toluca, Mexico state
Retablo by Flor Palomares