— tagged with “nagual”

The night of June 22, 1962, a terrible nagual appeared in my bedroom. I was scared he might take me with him, so I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe. She scared him off with her splendor, and the nagual took off with the tail between his legs.

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Chavelita Ruiz was coming back from a grape harvest when she was attacked by a nagual with donkey head who bit her hand. She thanks Saint Rita with this retablo for she managed to escape alive.

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One night I discovered that my children had become friends with an enormous and horrible nagual. I tried to tell them that they shouldn’t approach him but they loved him so much they even brought him food and milk. So then I decided to try another way and asked the Virgin of Guadalupe for support. I sprinkled holy water on our house and over the lands, and the nagual wouldn’t dare to approach it anymore. <…>

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I heard some strange noise and went out to see if any animal came to eat my chicken. However it was a nagual whom I met. He grabbed me and dragged to the corn fields. My husband slept like a stone and didn’t hear me screaming. Then I invoked to the Virgin of the Rosary. The nagual got distracted with eating some crickets, and that moment I could escape. I ran and barred the door. I thank the Holy Virgin for saving me from the nagual’s claws.

When I was pregnant I felt strange movements in my stomach. I was afraid something bad could happen with my baby. So I went to a midwife. She calmed me down and explained that there was nothing to be worried about. But nevertheless, she gave me to drink some remedy to take off my anxiety. I left her still slightly agitated, and on my way back I met a nagual. He was surrounded by a cloud of lightning bugs. He told me that my baby would be alright and he would grow up healthy and strong man, and also kind and clever. I thank Saint Raymond because this vision really calmed me down and I even felt myself very happy.

A nagual wanted to take my piglet Luis but I talked with him and made him give me my pig back. Thanks.

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1908, Just Romero had met a nagual on arrival to Zacatlan. He entrusted himself to Saint Charbel and now thanks him for the nagual didn’t catch him and only stole his turkey.

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My horse was taken by the nagual, but then he left it. Thanks to the Virgin.

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Señora Nadina and I were seating on a bench having a snack when the nagual came out of the woods. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because she drove the nagual away with her prayers.

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A horde of naguals was passing by the field. I thank the Virgin for I didn’t go mad.

Irma, 1971

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When I discovered that my boyfriend is a nagual who can turn into different animals I got scared. I was about to leave him. I thank Saint Francis because he helped me to realize that being different doesn’t make a person better or worse but just different. When I suddenly understood it my boyfriend turned into a giant cat.

Thanks for the nagual didn’t hurt me.

Pepe Gomez, 1971

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My wife heard a strange noise. She went outside to look what happened. Suddenly she was caught by a nagual. He took her and ran to the corn field. She was scared, she started praying to the Virgin of the Rosary of Talpa. The nagual stopped to eat some crickets, and that moment my wife could escape. She locked herself in the house. Now, when we hear some noise at nights, we do not go out. We thank the Virgin.