Sinisha thanks Michael the Archangel for suggesting him an idea of pljeskavica with kinder surprise. Now Sinisha’s butcher shop chain is flourishing, and even a soprano from Belgrade came to visit him.
Sinisha thanks Michael the Archangel for suggesting him an idea of pljeskavica with kinder surprise. Now Sinisha’s butcher shop chain is flourishing, and even a soprano from Belgrade came to visit him.
Retablo by Sasha Makarska
Neboisha lost his tickets to the Montenegro—Russia game, and all his friends laughed at him. But there was a petard thrown at the goalkeeper, and the game was stopped, and the fans sat at the grandstand in vain for three hours. Neboisha’s wife thanks Holy Mary because he was instead sitting on the soft coach in front of the TV and even repaired the iron that he had been promising to repair for two years.
Retablo by Sasha Makarska
Cheerful tourist from Spain arrived in Niksic. He saw that gentlemen hugging each other on the street. He decided that he was in a gay-friendly town. Now he thanks Saint Sebastian for the fact that, having decided to clarify this issue, he assidently met some Russian guy Vova from Bar and asked him, instead of some Montenegrin.
Retablo by Sasha Makarska
I’m very thankful to Holy Mary because, when a wheel fell off of my Renault and rolled down the serpentine and I ran after it but couldn’t catch up with it, Holy Mary did so the wheel fell flat down and wouldn’t roll further.
Retablo by Sasha Makarska
Juan Puntes thanks to St. Francis for the fact that when he was walking and suddenly the local idiots began to burn plastic, Marat Guelman took him home. He did not inhale the poison.
Montenegro, 2015
Retablo by Sasha Makarska
We thank Holy Mary for when a cat similar to ours, with the same spot on the tail, got the habit of coming to our house, we were able to tell one from another and let inside only our cat, who came from Ural. Since then we feed the other cat in the yard, but two times per day.
Marat, Nastya, Egor
Retablo by Sasha Makarska
I’m grateful to Saint Sava because I managed to catch a wild boar while underwater hunting. It was chased by hunters and jumped to the sea from the cliff. Now my wife, who doesn’t like peeling fish, let me go hunting, with a pure heart, hoping I’d bring home another boar.
Retablo by Sasha Makarska
Ostap from Berdichev thanks Saint Philip because that night when he had few too many in the restaurant “Mlin” (Mill) and went to pick up ladies who turned out to be the wives of the gypsy baron, the baron had three important meetings so he gave only a flick on the nose to the tourist and refrained from further argumentation.
Ostap Pshonka — Montenegro, 2015
Retablo by Sasha Makarska
Thanks to Saint Nicholas because when my kids, Andrei and Boban, got lost in the woods and in despair began to eat cones, they met a postman-fox who showed them the way home.
Milena, 2015
Retablo by Sasha Makarska
I sell donuts at the Herceg Novi beach. Everybody have loved my donuts for many years. I thank the Virgin Mary because, the last year, Petar came to the beach and he loved not just my donuts but myself. Now we are happy together.
Retablo by Sasha Makarska
I thank Virgin Mary because when my pink dress in which I first kissed Dushan and which I want to wear for a date with Marco was taken by wind, there was a big palm on its way, and the dress got caught up in its branches.
Tamara R.
Retablo by Sasha Makarska