I’m happy playing my instrument. And I’m even happier when I notice that my music attracts forest animals. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary for giving me this marvelous talent.
— tagged with “forest”
I’m happy playing my instrument. And I’m even happier when I notice that my music attracts forest animals. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary for giving me this marvelous talent.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
One night I camped in the mountains, and some extraterrestrials appeared to me. First I got scared but then, while the martians went looking for plants in the forest, I felt very peacefully. But when they flew away, the fear came back. I rushed to the tavern in the nearest village. I thank the Holy Spirit because the martians didn’t abduct me.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
The thing I love the most is to walk around the forest and be together with the animals. When I was sick and bedridden I couldn’t go visit them and I missed them a lot. The Virgin of Guadalupe worked the miracle, and one day I woke up as the forest came to my bedroom. I was surrounded by my friends who came to visit me. I thank for this miracle.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Tired of gathering wood, Antonia Flores fell asleep. It happened so that a very venomous viper was about to bite her but Our Lady Virgin of San Juan sent her angels to wake Antonia up, and she could escape from the animal. She give infinite thanks to the Holy Virgin for this miracle.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I took my children to visit my grandmother who lived far away from the village. Night caught us on our way back, and I decided to take a shortcut through the forest near the river. There hundreds of bats came on us beclouding the Moon and we were very frightened. I was scared the bats would bite my children and suck their blood. I prayed the Virgin of the Rosary, and she protected us till we got home. I thank for her protection.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
We went to spend some time in my husband’s rancho near Catemaco. The place is beautiful but little bit wild. One day my parrot—which was a gift from my husband—escaped, and I ran for him through the forest. The parrot was flying among other parrots, and I followed it carrying my baby so I was going slower and slower. Finally I caught the parrot. That moment I realized that we were lost. I was scared and asked the Virgin for help. She sent a group of monkeys. They were making a lot of noise but guided us to the house. I thank for this miracle.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
In the forest, I ran into the magic pegasus. Thanks.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
The trees talked and we got very scared. We prated the Virgin and saved escaped safely.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Thanks to Saint Nicholas because when my kids, Andrei and Boban, got lost in the woods and in despair began to eat cones, they met a postman-fox who showed them the way home.
Milena, 2015
Retablo by Sasha Makarska
We went to live to a country house that my husband had near Catemaco. The place was beautiful but a little bit wild. One day my parrot flew away and I ran following it flew toward the forest. I was behind it with my baby so I couldn’t go very fast. However, I finally reached it but then I could no longer found the the way back home. We were lost in the middle of nowhere. I got scared, but suddenly many funny monkeys appeared. They guided us by jumping from one branch to another, and they led us to our house. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for this amazing miracle.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I took my children to visit my grand-mother. We were chatting with her so long so it was pretty late when we were ready to return home. We chose a short way—through the woods. It was very scary at night. It seemed that the trees had angry faces and the branches became long hands and they tried to catch us. The animals around us were crying and making scary noises. We thank the Virgin of San Juan for protecting us on our way. We arrived home safe and sound. At home, I made us some hot lime-flower tea in order to get over the fear.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
My sister and I went to the town to buy tortillas. When we were passing by a forest we saw skeletons. They appeared from the woods and started chasing us. We were holding our babies and we couldn’t ran very fast. We were scared but the Virgin of Zapopan protected us. The skeletons began to lose their bones and they stopped to pick up their arms and legs. We managed to escape and ran to the church to thank the Holy Virgin.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
One night I camped on the mountain. Then some extraterrestrials appeared. First I was scared, but then I felt calm and peace. Meanwhile, the martians were running across the forest looking for plants. When they were gone, the fear came back to me and I ran out of there to the tavern in the nearest village. I thank the Virgin of San Juan for the extraterrestrials didn’t abduct me.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar