— tagged with “spiders”

The flower pots from the terrace were filled with black widow spiders. I was afraid they might bite my children. I thank the Virgin of San Juan for my neighbor and I managed to kill all the spiders before that.

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The explorer John Dickens found a new specie of spider in the tropic forests. With this retablo, he thanks Saint Patrick for that.

Retablo by

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Raquel Garcia didn’t know that her new friend had arachnophobia. When she showed him her tarantula, the friend had such a strong attack that he ended up in the hospital. She thanks the Holy Child Doctor for his recovery.

A giant monstrous spider wove his web in the cupboard. When I found it I was paralyzed with fright, because I’am afraid of all the spiders, even the small garden spiders. But my son reacted very quickly and sprayed an insecticide on the animal. He had to use the whole can. I thank Saint Francis because the monster didn’t attack my son and because my son is a very brave boy and was able to kill the spider.

A giant spider used to build his web over my bed every night, and it looked me down with its devil eyes. At the mornings there was no spider. I cleaned up the web, but the next night it started all over again. Finally, after many prayers to Saint Barbara, I had a dream—the saint pierced the spider with her sword. So the next night the spider didn’t come. I thank for that.

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Rafael Sanchez thanks the Virgin of Juquila with this retablo for the big banana crop this season, although two men were hospitalized after being bitten by banana spiders.

17 <…> 1969 hundreds of spiders started falling from the dry wood that was in front of the house. They fell on my little son Juanito and bit him. I entrusted him to Saint Michael the Archangel and the boy only had fever but recovered quickly. We dedicate this retablo to Saint Michael because he protected my son from the spider venom.

The bathroom was filled with big horrible spiders. Only thanks to the Virgin of San Juan we managed to rid of them before they bit us. We offer this retablo to the Virgin thanking her.

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