— tagged with “wine”

I asked my husband not to take this road, but he did. Thank God, I had some good wine which helped me to get rid of bad thoughts and I behave like an angel.

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I wanted to improve my health. I found out that 50 g of red wine before sleep is very good for health. I bought 3 liters of draught wine, brought it home, and there were the guests. They drank it all. I bought more. And again—the guests drank it all. I bought wine a third time, and again—they drank all 3 liters. I realized that it wasn’t given to me to stock up on wine!

I dedicate this retablo to my Guardian Angel for saving me from wine-treatment.

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Marta R. and Raquel M. brought wine to the school and got drunk, but the nuns caught them. They thank the Virgin of San Juan for they weren’t expelled and only had to sweep the school with hangover.

Jesus, I hope you don’t mind that instead the insipid sacramental wine, I am drinking a 2005 Egon Müller-Scharzhof Scharzhofberger Riesling from Mosel.

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Felipe Suarez got locked in wine cellar, and he drank as much as he liked. But the next morning he got an unbearable hangover. He promises to Saint Jude Thaddeus not to be so irresponsible.

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I dedicate this retablo to the Miraculous Virgin, because thanks to her I met a group of very nice friends who invited me to drink sparkling wine with them. Then they tattooed all my body for very little money, and after they gave me a nice hat.

Francisco Aguilar thanks the Holy Child of Atocha because his uncle after his death left to him two box of excellent french wine. Now he drinks it with the family on special occasions.

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I offer this retablo to Saint Francis of Assisi because my liquor shop is very profitable and it’s the most popular shop in the town.

Ranch Santa Maria

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On the Senksgiving Night of current year of 2013 I kissed the Mariela’s boobs until red wine ran out of it.

It’s all like dedicated to the Miraculous Virgin.

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