Virgin of Lourdes

Virgen de Lourdes

I thank the Holy Virgin of Lourdes for curing my little daughter Maria who was sick with cough.

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Our Lady of Lourdes miraculously appeared at the precise moment they were suspending my social media account for some sensitive content.

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I dedicate this retablo to the holy Virgin of Lourdes. Since I was a little girl I had my little dog called Lassy whom I loved greatly. She died at 18 years old. I thank the Virgin for I found a very good and cheap taxidermist who turned my Lassy back to me in three weeks, and she looked as if she were still alive.

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Ismael Martinez was at the Barra Vieja, and two UFO appeared there. They flew over the sea at high speed. Impressed by what he saw, Ismael dedicates this retablo to the Virgin of Lourdes.

August 12, 1960

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January 4, 1979, I got sick with ulcers. The Virgin of Lourdes cured me.

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Holy Virgin of Lourdes, I offer this retablo to your holy will because you gave me strength to kick the forest monster away.

Chiapas, 1930

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I thank Our Lady of Lourdes because now I know the difference between croquet and a croquette.

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My husband and I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Lourdes because she helped us to get a church permission from the monseñor Mario Andrea Arredondo, bishop of Tampico. Without this permission we couldn’t get married since we are cousins.

I thank Our Lady of Lourdes because we have enough money to fill our fridge with pork chump chops and pork knocks exclusively.

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I thank Our Lady of Lourdes because unlike Trevor’s, my nose doesn’t turn pinkish when I drink.

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We offer this retablo to the Virgin of Lourdes for helping us to overcome our vanity, since it’s neither mine nor my twin brother Manuel’s fault that we were born so attractive and intelligent.

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I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Lourdes for protecting me and my clerk from heartless bandits who on April 20, 1970, entered in the branch of the National Rural Credit Bank. They were armed, they tied us and they gag us, but they didn’t murder us.

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