Sofia Morales bought a very big mirror. Soon she began to see monsters in it. She prayed Saint Ignatius of Loyola, and the monsters finally disappeared. She thanks for that with this retablo.
— tagged with “mirror”
Sofia Morales bought a very big mirror. Soon she began to see monsters in it. She prayed Saint Ignatius of Loyola, and the monsters finally disappeared. She thanks for that with this retablo.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
A devil took possession of my jewelry box and my mirror. He spent hours in front of the mirror trying out my necklace and chains. I was afraid to put them on afterwards and prayed the Virgin <. . .>
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
A demon used to get to my room through the window at night. He put my clothes on and spent all night looking at himself in the mirror. I was afraid and also upset because he left all my clothes smelled of sulfur. Then I had an idea to move the mirror to the henhouse. Thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan the demon never came back. I think he visits my neighbor though, because she smells of sulfur and she’s got a really beautiful full length mirror.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
We thank Saint de Porres for a wonderful idea to instal a transparent mirror in our sitting-room. Now we can spy on the Durans when they come over for the dinner. We suspect they steal our silver dinnerware.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
I married a widower and on our wedding night I found out that every time I looked in a mirror I reflected in it as a skeleton. That was because my husband’s first wife had bewitched the house. I was scared and prayed to the Holy Child with the Ball. Afterwards I ordered three requiem masses. She has rested in peace, and I thank the Holy Child.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
A demon got in my room through the window and began to put my clothes on. He spent the night looking at himself in the mirror. I was scared and very insulted because all my clothes smelt like sulphur. Then I got an idea to take the mirror to the henhouse. Thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan, the devil didn’t come back. Now he visits my neighbor’s room because she smells like sulphur and she has a very beautiful mirror.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
My husband inherited a house and a ranch. When we moved there, I was scared to find out that there was a ghost of a woman that appeared from my bathroom’s mirror by nights. It cried and moaned. Thanks to my prayers to the Holy Child with the Ball and to three requiem masses, the ghost has rested in peace.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I was very tired when I came back home. I was going to take a bath. I noticed that my husband had already filled the tub. I thanked the Virgin of Guadalupe for his care and attention. I began to wash off my make-up and then I saw a giant octopus in the mirror. I turned over. There was an enormous horrible octopus in our tub. It turned out that my husband, who is an oceanologist, had put it there for studying. It gave me the shivers to think that I might have gotten in the tub with the octopus and it might have grabbed me with the tentacles. I almost fainted. I thank the Virgin for protecting me.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Maria de Jesus Ramirez began to see a demon in the mirror. She prayed to Saint Nicholas, and the demon disappeared. She thanks for that.
Cholula, 1917
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández