— tagged with “octopuses”

It was still night when I went fishing in my boat. Suddenly I was caught by a giant octopus who grabbed me in its deadly embrace and tried to pull me out of the boat. The Virgin of Guadalupe came to help me—she sent seagulls that began to peck the octopus. The octopus let me free trying to save himself from the seagulls and went to the bottom of the sea. I thank for saving my life.

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I went to swim into the sea and right away I felt something was holding me. Then I saw a big octopus. It caught me with its tentacles and pulled me down to the bottom. I started to panic, I was thinking I was going to die in the tentacles instead of marrying a handsome young man and living a happy life. I started to pray to the Virgin of San Juan, and thanks to her the octopus got distracted with some fish passing by and I could escape. I swam to the surface and I was safe. Now I only have to wait when a handsome guy comes to my life.

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It happened, Holy Virgin, that came out the octopus already cooked.

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My children are pretty good swimmers, and sometimes they go swimming far from the shore. One time they found themselves surrounded by octopuses. They grabbed them with its tentacles and pulled them. The children got frightened, but since I always entrust them to the Virgin of San Juan, she protected them. Instead of pulling my kids to the sea, the octopuses pulled them towards the shore like dolphins. I give thanks for the miracle.

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I was diving when an octopus grabbed my leg with its tentacles and began to pull me to the bottom of the sea. Seeing my life in danger, I invoked the Virgin of Guadalupe, and she sent me a winged sea horse that rescued me and took me to the surface. I am sure it was a transformed angel, and I thank for that.

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O my Holy Virgin, what a terrible experience it was in the sea. My daughter Anita and I were swimming, and suddenly a giant octopus appeared to us. He grabbed us with his tentacles. I felt drowning, but fortunately nothing bad happened. We only got scared that he might take us down with him.

Maricela Ramirez
Acapulco, Guerrero
February 5, 1982

Thanks, with your help, I was able to save my doggy Mitzy from an octopus that came from the sea.

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When I went fishing with my son a giant octopus attacked us. Thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe I was able to subdue it and throw it back to the sea. We give thanks.

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You saved me from that giant octopus which attacked me at the open sea.

Jose, 1971

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An octopus fell in love with me. Holy Virgin, please make him understand that it’s impossible for us to be together. Thanks.


An octopus came out of the sea to eat my flowers, but I chased him away, with your help.

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My fiancé and I were swimming underwater admiring the marine life. Suddenly I was caught by an octopus. It entangled me with its tentacles. I was scared and started to pray Saint Francis. Meanwhile my fiancé blinded the octopus with the flash of his underwater camera. The octopus let me go without hurting me. I thank the saint patron for that.

We were on the beach when suddenly a giant octopus came out the sea and was about to grab Mariana with its tentacles. But thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe the music, that I played on the guitar, distracted the octopus and calmed it down. It listened while we slowly moved away with me keeping playing the octopus’ favorite melody.

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