Holy Virgin, thousands thanks for we came out alive from this damned desert.
Holy Virgin, thousands thanks for we came out alive from this damned desert.
Retablo by David Mecalco
Thanks to the Virgin for me being a whore and giving food and education to my children.
November 7, 1990
Lola Lopez, whore
Retablo by David Mecalco
January 22, 1970
I thank the Holy Face of God from Acapulco for working a miracle that my daughter Sara stopped working as a prostitute.
Her mother Maria Solis
Retablo by David Mecalco
El Santo thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for winning the wrestling championship.
January 11, 1979, Arena Mexico
Retablo by David Mecalco
Pedro the Shaggy thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe because I was able to make all my tattoos.
Retablo by David Mecalco
April 21, Blue Demon won the wrestling championship title in a fight. Thanks, Holy Virgin.
Retablo by David Mecalco
Pedro and Juan love each other and are very happy. Thanks, Virgin, we are very happy.
Mexico, November 21, 1998
Retablo by David Mecalco
Pedro and Lalo Cruz are very happy and love each other. Thanks, Virgin.
21–II–90, Puebla, Mexico
Retablo by David Mecalco
Thanks, Virgin, for the miracle of saving me and my son during a fire at my house.
Maria Sanchez, 7–Nov–70
Retablo by David Mecalco
Thank you, Virgin, for the miracle of being a champion.
Fuerza Guerrera
Retablo by David Mecalco
Holy Virgin, thousand thanks for saving my life in this hellish ride. I saw a woman died run over by a train.
March 21, Arriaga, Chiapas
Retablo by David Mecalco
Maria Reyes. A prostitute Maria Inez gives thanks to the Virgin for my work as a prostitute.
Merced, 11–Nov–80
Retablo by David Mecalco
Thank you, Virgin, for saving me from a stroke because of the wrestling.
Blue Demon, 11 Dec. 1970
Retablo by David Mecalco