I infinitely thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for saving me from loosing my mask.
Red Angel
— tagged with “masks”
I infinitely thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for saving me from loosing my mask.
Red Angel
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
I dedicate this humble retablo to Saint Jude Thaddeus, with deep gratitude, for having a gift of making traditional masks. Since I opened my shop 15 years ago, my masks have become very valuable for the carnivals in the region, and even people from other cities of the country started buying them.
Tlaxcala, Mexico
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
I’m infinitely grateful to the Virgin of San Juan for being able to participate, along with my idol Santo, the Silver Mask, in one of his classic movies “The Mummies of Guanajuato”. I was an extra and was hired to play one of the mummies. Although my face wasn’t seen because of the mask put on me and señor Santo hit me, I remained very happy for living this experience.
Romualdo Romero \ Guanajuato, Mexico
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
I took the mask off Robot, my greatest enemy in wrestling, and won a lot of money. Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for this triumph.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
We, nurses fans of Lucha Libre wrestling, give infinite thanks to the Holy Child of Atocha for patriotism and love to the Mexican people of those wrestlers, like the Son of the Sovereign, who are, along with their relatives, producing masks as their contribution to the fight against COVID-19.
CDMX, 2020
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
I give infinite thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe for the creativity and artistic talent of the Mexican people. They can find beauty even in this tragic moment when the country is fighting against COVID-19, and these embroidered masks show it.
Gerald Dilley, New York
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
We thank the patron of the clowns, Saint Genesius of Rome, for our participation in the Public Transport campaign against COVID-19 “Do not let the clown take you” in which we gave out masks and antibacterial gel at the most busy metro stations exhorting “If you’re going in subway, put a mask on right away”.
Fresia, Skatiny, Sindy, Piñita, Sonrisitas, Pispirin, Bodoquito and Zapaton / CDMX
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
April 16, 1974, my father and I were at the Arena Coliseo watching a wrestling match with El Santo, my greatest idol. I had suffered an accident which left me paralyzed. At the end of the event, Santo came down where we were and gave me one of his masks. Eventually, I began to walk again.
Mario, 1996
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
Tragedy on the Honeymoon
At the sea in San Carlos, Mexico, I thank Teta Kawi for granting me the miracle of finding my snorkel mask! Without my mask I couldn’t have seen all the beautiful marine life. I’m very thankful, to your honor!
July 2017
Retablo by Ruben Urrea Moreno
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for giving me strength to win over my rival in an important fight mask vs. mask. When I felt weak I prayed and then I managed to apply a camel clutch and won the mask of the Espanto (The Fright).
El Santo
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
I, Mistico, the Prince of Silver and Gold, offer this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because I was able to win the mask of the Black Warrior on Friday, September 29, 2006. I ask you to look after me and to bless me in whatever I do.
Mistico, 2007
CMLL (Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre) — World Wrestling Council.
Retablo by Hugo Vilchis
God Jesus Christ, I thank you and offer you this because you’re always kind to me. You’re always hanging on the wall, watching and looking after me, with your skin so white and soft, with your long hair all in sweat, and your blood going down your stomach always reminding me about how I make you suffer and you are so good to me. Thanks, and I remain your slave awaiting your coming.
Retablo by Carl W. Jones
I came from the carnival celebration and was attacked by a rooster. Thanks for I won this fight.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández