The girl Carolina Perez ate an entire box of chocolates and got herself a diarrhea that wouldn’t stop. She’s infinitely grateful, with this retablo, to the Child Doctor for her recovery and promise not to be so sweet-toothed.
Niño Doctor
The girl Carolina Perez ate an entire box of chocolates and got herself a diarrhea that wouldn’t stop. She’s infinitely grateful, with this retablo, to the Child Doctor for her recovery and promise not to be so sweet-toothed.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My throat was inflamed and I couldn’t sing. I almost lost my voice. I entrusted myself, with great devotion, to the Holy Child Doctor of the Ill to heal me. The Child helped me, and now I’m singing again and eve better than ever. I thank for that with this retablo.
Lucha Gituerrez — Chihuhua, 1938
Retablo by Flor Palomares
My son Paquito lied to me saying that he ate good and healthy food that I packed him for school lunch. But in reality he was buying sweets and junk food. Because of that he got stomach pain. I thank the Holy Child Doctor for his illness wasn’t serious and he learned his lesson—he shouldn’t lie and he must eat healthy for his own good.
Margarita Hernandez, Puebla
Retablo by Flor Palomares
My boy Miguelito ate so much sweets he felt pain in he stomach. It was so painful he screamed and cried. No remedy helped him. I prayed to the Holy Child Doctor of the Sick for help, and with his divine help—also thanks to the doctor who consulted us—Miguelito is healthy. I give thanks.
Vicenta Tellez
Toluca, 1966
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I thank the Holy Child Doctor of the Sick for granting me with health so I could back to boxing. A Canadian boxer knocked me down very strongly and I was told I wouldn’t be able to box ever again. And then we met at the ring once again, only this time I won the championship. I dedicate the present ex-voto with all my heart.
Juan “The Falcon” Mendez
Toluca, 1977
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Juvencio Suarez ruptured himself while carrying the sacks with apples. His testicles were in such pain, he couldn’t walk. Nothing could help him, so he prayed the Holy Child Doctor. The next morning, he woke up healed. He thanks for that.
Zacatlan, 1917
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My boy Panchito ate a lot of sweets and felt severe pain in the stomach. Nothing helped him so I entrusted him to the Holy Child Doctor. With his divine help and with help of the doctor, Panchito is feeling well now. I offer this retablo for that.
Serafina Muñoz
Retablo by Flor Palomares
The young Ernesto Sanchez was given a rotten sandwich. He had diarrhea for a few days, as a consequence. No remedy helped him. He thanks the Holy Child Doctor for his recovery.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Pepe Zavaleta got food poisoning with shrimps and almost kicked the bucket. He thanks the Holy Child Doctor for saving his life and promises to be less gluttonous. He brings this retablo in gratitude.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Raquel Garcia didn’t know that her new friend had arachnophobia. When she showed him her tarantula, the friend had such a strong attack that he ended up in the hospital. She thanks the Holy Child Doctor for his recovery.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Dr. Jaime Robledo became a neurotic. He thanks the Holy Child Doctor for finding out that he’s fond of fish. Now when he is watching his aquarium, he calms down and finds his peace of mind.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Jose Robles offers this retablo to the Holy Child Doctor for helping him survive after a heart attack. He also thanks because he has people who take care of him.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Joaquina Hernandez broke her hip when she fell on the soap in the shower. She thanks the Holy Child Doctor for her quick recovery.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández