Virgin of Guadalupe

Juan Nepomuseno from San Martin, Metepec, offers this retablo to the Virgin of Tepeyac because he and his family continue to do a beautiful work with clay by tradition of his forefathers which is the pride of his town.

Metepec, Mexico, September 2017

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Thanks for your grace and generosity. I declare my devotion.

Hurricane Ramirez, 1968

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Tiburcio Lopez brings this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving him from a skeleton mermaid who wanted to drown him dead.

Acapulco, 1950

Thank you, Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, because my left ankle that I injured in Tijuana got healed.

Blue Demon

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Dani Lopez

September 11, my son Dani Lopez died at the attack on the twin-towers. I ask the Virgin to take my little son to her holy heaven.

Maria L.

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Do not let this happen again, for the good of humanity.

Virgin of Guadalupe, I’m giving you thanks for the miracle tat on that sad day of September 11, when the evil Osama bin Laden attacked the twin towers in New York, I could escape and saved my life.

Grateful Poblano, December 2001

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The story of my life, passion, fear and faith.

Mil Mascaras, Mexico, 1989

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Virgin of Guadalupe, please calm the seas when I navigate around the world in our boat “Dvina”. Thanks.

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I wholeheartedly thank because my prayers were heard by the Virgin of Guadalupe and I met my idol the great Blue Demon. I give my faith.

Arena Coliseo
June 4, 1982, Juan

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Look after my friend Rattler the rooster, Holy Virgin.

Claudia Zuniga, January 1970

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I bring this retablo to Saint Pascual Baylon and the Virgin of Guadalupe for they sent to Sasha Tokmakov’s cranky and shrew wife the book “Fascinating Womanhood”. After having read it, she realized her mistakes and asked her husband for forgiveness. I promise to be a sweet and understanding wife. I apologize and promise to amend.

Odessa, 2020
Nata Tokmakova

Newspaper: “Exonerated three sons of politicians”

Although I know that what I did was not good, I thank the Virgin for the opportunity to do justice with my own hands because the government didn’t do it when I was raped by those juniors.

Alicia M. — CDMX, Mexico, 13–7–2018

I thank the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe for the enormous talent which the Mexican mime Mario Moreno Cantinflas was born with. His character, humble and innocent, conquered the people’s hearts and got the admiration of the world making him a movie icon.


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