— tagged with “pregnancy”

Thank you, Virgin of the Solitude, because you were near in the moments of anxiety on the day I decided to terminate my pregnancy which was the result of a rape. When I got out of the hospital I felt peaceful. I’m sure you protect me in your great mercy.

Luisa, 29 years — Oaxaca

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Thank you, Saint Jude Thaddeus, for hearing me when I told you that I couldn’t continue with my pregnancy since I already have three kids and couldn’t support another one. I know you heard me because you deals with the most difficult requests.

Dolores, 26 years — State of Mexico

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Having all kinds of information about what to do with an unplanned pregnancy made me think that God helps with all the decisions, including the most difficult ones like mine to get an abortion.

Denny, 20 years — State of Mexico

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Many thanks, Virgin of Guadalupe, for always being near and not leaving me alone when I decided not to go on with this pregnancy. You know, my Mother, what was my situation and being mother, like me, I knew you’d understand me.

Julia, 48 years — Queretaro

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I never thought I would face an unplanned pregnancy. I give thanks to God because everything went well and I didn’t have any complications during the abortion. A ask for my family and for myself to bring me more joy, life and faith. Glory to God.

Carolina, 21 years — Chiapas

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I thank for not being sick or, above all, going crazy because whomever I told about this they said it was impossible. The womb movements discovered my femininity.

Tammi, 2018

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Pedro F. and Susana J. fulfilled their fantasy of having sex on top of a pyramid. They thank Saint Jude Thaddeus for nobody saw them and they managed to conceive a baby which was born charged with energy.

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J. L. and J. B. were a couple. One day they got an idea to have sex in the lift. With great devotion, they thank Saint Pancras because they conceived their first child that day. Now they are very glad and happy.

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M.G. brings this retablo as gratitude to Saint Elias for getting pregnant after having sex with her partner on the river, although they were almost dragged by the current.

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I thank Saint Maroun with the present retablo because no one found out about my big secret I’ve been keeping for years. When I just got married I had an affair with a young milkman and got pregnant from him. I managed to fool my husband and all family explaining that my boy was born with red hair because of my great-aunt, so nobody found out about my infidelity.

Eduviges R. ~ Oaxaca

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June 3, 2008, our son Cristobal E. Martinez Muñoz was born. During the pregnancy my wife had a high blood pressure, and because of that the baby didn’t grow and develop. My wife’s water breaks and they had to do the c-section at the seventh month. Our son was born before its due time, he weighted just 1280 gr. He was kept in incubator for 52 days till he gained enough weight and recovered his health. Then we promised to offer this retablo to Saint Francis of Assisi thanking him for the miracle.

The Martinez Muñoz family
Cedral, San Luis Potosi, 18-01-2009

When I was pregnant I felt strange movements in my stomach. I was afraid something bad could happen with my baby. So I went to a midwife. She calmed me down and explained that there was nothing to be worried about. But nevertheless, she gave me to drink some remedy to take off my anxiety. I left her still slightly agitated, and on my way back I met a nagual. He was surrounded by a cloud of lightning bugs. He told me that my baby would be alright and he would grow up healthy and strong man, and also kind and clever. I thank Saint Raymond because this vision really calmed me down and I even felt myself very happy.

One night my wife who was on the sixth month of pregnancy stabbed me few times after having found out that I had been cheating on her with my friend Teresa. I give thousand thanks to Saint Gerard Mayela, the patron of the maternity, for helping me to survive this tragedy.

Your devoted Marcial A. D.
October 1, 2015