Señor Jasinto Ramirez brings the present retablo, with great devotion, to Saint Augustine because he managed to gather a vey vast collection of tin soldiers of different armies.
— tagged with “soldiers”
Señor Jasinto Ramirez brings the present retablo, with great devotion, to Saint Augustine because he managed to gather a vey vast collection of tin soldiers of different armies.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Elena Villa was the most brave of all the women soldiers. That’s why I make this exvoto in your name. God bless you.
Jalisco, 1949
Retablo by Gustavo Villeda
I dedicate this retablo and entrust this precious woman to the Holy Cross. Although she was a whore, she gave her life for the cause of the Mexican revolution. She died brutally slaughtered but taking out many federals with her.
Marieta, don’t be flirty
Because men are very bad
They promise lots of gifts
And what they give are pure hits.
Chihuahua, 1912
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
When I was 15 years old, I was very much worried about my appearance. One day I was walking down the street near a troop of soldiers. The officer saw me and ordered: “Eyes right!” And they all turned their heads in my direction! Since then I have lost all my complexes. Thanks to my Guardian Angel for sending me this officer.
Retablo by Elena Bukina
Enedina Abascal dedicates the present retablo to Saint Anthony of Padua thanking him because she met Ponciano, the love of her life. She was a soldier, and they fought together at the times of the Revolution. When the fight was over, they could get married and were very happy.
Torreon, Coahuila
Retablo by Flor Palomares
In times of the Revolution I was part of the Federal Army but my troops lost a battle, I was badly wounded and was on the edge of dying. I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because two peasants took me to their home. The cured me and saved my life. In gratitude I decide to fight for the people since that moment and joined the rebels.
Agustin Castillo \ Zacatecas, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I dedicate this humble retablo to Our Lady of Guadalupe in honor of the female soldiers and their admirable bravery shown on the battlefield of Mexican revolution. These women, also known as adelitas, played a fundamental role in defending our homeland by fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with men.
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
The soldier Juan Perez got involved with the daughter of the general, and her father caught them in act. He thanks Saint Charbel with this retablo because the general didn’t kill him and only gave him tremendous beating.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Juana dedicates this humble retablo to the Lord of the Column for Juvencio who got five bullets in the stomach from the soldiers of the garrison at Celaya for having deserted. I found him almost dead and prayed the Lord for protection. He heard me, and I thank him with this retablo for what happened that morning on April 15, 1922.
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
That’s how we celebrated that night till dawn with the adelitas (women soldiers) who had taken Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, with the Zaragoza brigade. Thanks to our protectress, Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, the town was surrounded to my general Francisco Villa. Saturday, November 15, 1913, there was a clear victory. Look after our women who risked their lives for this cause.
Simon Trejo
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
July 19, 1935, my son Miguel Garcia was going to be murdered by a soldier. He was saved only because I prayed with all my heart the Virgin of Guadalupe.
December 12, 1940
Gila Hernandez
Retablo by Unknown artist #36