Saint Isidor Labourer

San Isidro Labrador

I thank you, Saint Isidor Laborer, for pulling the rains off our neighborhood and for I could close the gate to my hallway to protect my house from the deluge in our block, as it happened with my neighbor who couldn’t celebrate her niece Michelle’s first communion because of that.

A grateful Mexican
Cuautepec BB, Mexico City, August 2014

Señor Ceferino Perez dedicates this humble retablo Saint Isidor Labourer in sign of gratitude for having such magnificent lands that gives delicious pulque, and the people in the village love it very much. May you be blessed.

Tlaxcala, Mexico

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We infinitely thank Saint Isidor Labourer for helping me and my wife to buy a tractor which will help us a lot in our work in the field. May you be blessed.

Honorato and Ponciana Lopez
Tlaxcala, Mexico

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We infinitely thank Saint Isidor Labourer for granting us a miracle of a good crop of marigold flowers, so we could sell them outside the cemeteries at this period of the Day of the Dead.

Cleotilde and Nicolasa Castillo
Atlixco, Puebla, 1955

There was a bad plague hitting my agaves, and many of my plants were dying. I was so distressed I implored Saint Isidor Labourer to save my plants. Few days later all my agaves were cured. Now they give a lot of pulque. I give thanks for such a great miracle.

Higinio Valencia, Jalisco, 1952

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Rogaciano and his wife Maria Lopez dedicate this little humble retablo to Saint Isidor Laborer in eternal gratitude for their lands are very generous and their corn harvest are very good, with big and tasty corncobs.

Oaxaca de Juárez, Mexico

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There was a great drought in the region, an I was very distressed because my land was dry and I was losing my harvest. I asked Saint Isidor Labourer with all my faith to send the rains sooner, and in few days he made me a great miracle. I’m deeply thankful and dedicate this retablo.

Melesio Flores \ Tehuacán, Puebla

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With this humble retablo, my wife Remedios and I want to thank Saint Isidor the Labourer for the good harvest of marigold flowers this year, so we’ll have good sales at the cemeteries on the next Day of the Dead.

Margarito Hernández
Atlixco, Puebla

The Hernandez brothers, Ponciano and Salvador, bring this retablo to Saint Isidor the Labourer because they managed to buy some land in their village for the money they’d earned as farm-workers in USA. They thank from the bottom of their hearts.

Morelia, MIchoacan

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The brothers Eustaquio and Telesforo Valencia bring this retablo to Saint Isidor Labourer thanking him for the good harvest of coffee they gathered. Following their father’s advice, they have converted their lands into the best coffee plantations in the region.

Coatepec, Veracruz

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Socorro Aguilar dedicates this humble retablo to Saint Isidor Labourer because she’s doing well selling her flowers to the tourists who pass in Xochimilco by trajineras boats. She makes their day with beauty and colors.

Xochimilco, Mexico

After a long drought I was about to lose my crop. I was worried because I wouldn’t be able to provide for my family. I asked Saint Isidor the Labourer for help, and he worked a miracle. Few days later the rains came and saved my land. I thank for that.

Niceforo Ortiz
Xalapa, Veracruz

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Don Ponciano Lopez dedicates this humble retablo to Saint Isidor Labourer for having good agave production this year. Last season, the weather was bad in the region and he lost a big part of the harvest. He was worried about it because all his family depends on these agaves.

Tequila, Jalisco. Mexico

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