Luis Manuel Ramirez, together with two investors, managed to create a very successful tequila brand which starts taking the world. That’s why he made this retablo to witness his gratitude to Saint Martin the Cavalryman.
San Martín Caballero de Tours
Luis Manuel Ramirez, together with two investors, managed to create a very successful tequila brand which starts taking the world. That’s why he made this retablo to witness his gratitude to Saint Martin the Cavalryman.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Manuel Rincon thanks Saint Martin the Cavalryman with all his heart because he inherited his grad-father’s secret meat recipe which he could use in his small taqueria. It gave a great taste to his tacos, and the clients enjoyed it very much. He dedicates this retablo for such a miracle.
Mexico City
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I’m infinitely thankful to Saint Martin the Cavalryman for having a noble profession of making Talavera pottery. It’s greatly appreciated by visitors and foreigner tourists, and I’m very happy that I’ll leave this job to my son Ruperto as my inheritance.
Eleuteria Ortiz, Puebla
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
1914, coming to Puebla, the federals were close on my heels. I entrusted myself to Saint Martin the Cavalryman and could escape safely so they didn’t catch me. I thank for this great favor.
Toribio Alvarado
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I didn’t expect to inherit small corn fields after one of my distant uncle’s death. But my mother gave me an idea to sell sweet corn on the streets. I thank Saint Martin the Cavalryman because the sales are going well and I’m much better as a vendor than as a farmer.
Felipe Carrion ~ Iztapalapa, Mexico City
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Moises Vargas thanks Saint Martin the Cavalryman with this retablo because his cowboy clothes shop has a great success and even Vicente Fernandez himself has bought from him.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Demetrio Chavez was about to have a drink with his buddy in the pulqueria bar, when he felt a terrible pain in the stomach. The pain was so strong he felt like dying. He thanks Saint Martin with this retablo for he has been cured.
Tlaxcala, 1930
Retablo by Flor Palomares
With the present retablo, señora Ramona Contreras thanks Saint Martin for granting her the great favor that her business of selling memelas cakes has been going with great success.
Puebla, 1949
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Mauricio Rincon thanks Saint Martin the Cavalryman with all his heart because he inherited his grad-father’s secret meat recipe which he could use in his small taqueria. It gave a great taste to his tacos, and the clients enjoyed it very much. He dedicates this retablo for such a miracle.
Mexico City
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I finished my university studies as a lawyer. But few months passed by and I couldn’t find a job. Then I agreed to work as a clown at children parties because of my financial needs. I’m infinitely grateful to Saint Martin the Cavalryman because I’ve finally found a job I studied for, since my every encounter with mischievous and uneducated children was a nightmare.
Clown Littletickle \ Campeche, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Don Carmelo Sanchez thanks Saint Martin the Cavalryman for helping his rooster El Giro to win the fight on the town arena and made him win a lot of money to pay his debts.
Guanajuato, 1947
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Señora Joaquina Ramirez brings the present retablo to Saint Martin the Cavalryman thanking him for her cemitas are so popular she even thinks to open another shop.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
The company I worked for many years got rid of me because of my age. I didn’t know how to occupy myself or how to support myself since I wasn’t married. Then I had an idea to use my savings to open a sex shop. I thank Saint Martin the Cavalryman for my shop had a great success. I don’t care what the people say or think—it’s an honest job.
Josefina Castillo — Puebla, Mexico
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios