I thank Virgin of Montserrat, she opened my eyes, I suffered so much from a wretch, worse than the devil himself.
— tagged with “blood”
I thank Virgin of Montserrat, she opened my eyes, I suffered so much from a wretch, worse than the devil himself.
Retablo by Sagrada Espinoza
Because Bernardo Pacheco, a turner, came to work being hungover, he stumbled and hit his snout against the machine. The bleeding wouldn’t stop, so he implored Saint Patrick and got healed. He gives infinite thanks for that.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
In the year of 1980, in the city of San Antonio, a young Jamie Eddy was afflicted with a spate of intense nosebleeds. His mother tried the usual home remedies, humidification, ointment, nasal spray and ice packs but they all failed to stop the hemorrhaging. The doctors performed chemical and electrical cauterization, painful procedures which Jamie endured with unflinching bravery, but they too failed to quell the torrent of blood. With little hope left, and even less blood, young Jamie petitioned Santa Teresa de Avila, the patroness saint of nose bleeds. He knew his prayers had been heard when the river of blood slowed to a trickle and then stopped altogether. James Eddy painted this retablo to commemorate the miracle which occurred 41 years ago. Executed this seventh day of February 2021 in the City of San Francisco.
Retablo by James H. Eddy
Señora Sandra Rivera started bleeding so much she couldn’t leave her house. She implored the Virgin of Los Remedios and recovered soon after that, for which she thanks with this retablo.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank Saint Quiteria of Frexeiras for curing my son-in-law from a hemorrhage.
August ’06 — Cururipe, Alagoas
Quiteria Pedrosa da Silva
Retablo by Severino Silva
Thanks, Virgin, because after having walked till my friend’s feet bled he finally found a house near the central station where we two could live. In this way he saved me from the house of the narcos where I had lived for a year and he saved himself from the love he had lost in the house where he had lived with his dog before.
Retablo by Katherine Supnem
I had many horrifying dreams with blood, being surrounded by demons and people with skinless bodies. But my faith in you saved me. Thanks.
Rosario Coral
Ixil, 1947
Retablo by Unknown artist #21
Karina Sandoval got a boyfriend who was obsessed with drinking her blood. She thanks the Virgin of Juquila with this retablo for she managed to get rid of him in time.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving my husband from a heavy hemorrhage. The bleeding didn’t stop, he was choking with blood, and we implored to you, Holy Mother. We dedicate this retablo thanking you for having heard our prayers.
Retablo by Unknown artist #41
Raul Lopez thanks Saint Paschal for he didn’t faint at the moment of sacrificing of the pig for the celebration of his godson. Raul is afraid of blood, but it was him who had the honor of killing the animal according to the tradition.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández