— tagged with “grief”

Holy Child of Atocha, I give you thanks for delivering me from the pain caused by an evil woman who broke my heart.

Vicente, Oaxaca, Mexico, 1968

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I thank the Holy Virgin because I was deadly wounded in my heart by the contempt of a soulless woman who rejected my sincere love. I give you thousand thanks because you gave me peace and little by little healed the wounds in my heart. One day I’ll be able to love again.

Cristobal Rosas Cruz
Valle de Chalco, Mexico, ’66

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I dedicate this retablo to La Llorona (The Weeping Woman) because who among us hasn’t taken their grief and stood contemplating it, beside a body of water.

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Saint Jude Thaddeus, thank you for delivering me of this damaging situation. My wife left me for another man, I was looking to comfort myself with this vice. I was at the point of dying because she doesn’t love me anymore. Your devoted son.

Barrio Norte, Mexico City, 2009

When my husband died I felt devastated. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe to let me see my husband one more time. On the Day of the Dead, I was making my husband’s altar and suddenly I saw a ghost. At first, I was terribly frightened but then I felt happy of seeing my husband. Although it lasted few seconds and his figure wasn’t very clear, I’m infinitely grateful.

My wife died and left my little daughter and me very lonely and sad, but the Virgin of Guadalupe felt sorry for us. I have seen my wife’s spirit taking care of our girl and I feel her lips giving me the good night kiss. I thank for this favor.

My husband was a very happy man, and he filled my life with happiness. But he used to eat a lot, and it was a cause of his death. I was grieving so deeply, I was crying and praying to the Virgin of Zapopan to have pity on me and to let my husband visit me at night before I go to sleep. And my husband began to appear to me, all glowing. When he laughed, the shiny stardust fell from him. I thank the Virgin because my husband’s visits turned me back to life, and I’m happy again.

I give thanks to you, Christ the Saviour, for drying my eyes when I was drowning in the sea of tears, looking how all my lovers who, like Ulysses, set out on a journey without return, slipping off my arms. With your light, I’ll find that horizon where this eternal question would finally sink—“Where if not in my arms?”

July 2002

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Thank you, my Angel, for hearing my laments in which I asked you to deliver me from this painful torture distressing my heart. Thank you for tearing my sorrow heart off. Now I have no pain, no sorrow, there’s nothing inside me anymore. Now there’s only you, my God, in my life.

July 2002

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When my husband Juan Jose died, I was sad and couldn’t find any consolation. We loved each other so much, and I couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing him again. I asked the Virgin to let me see him. And she gave me that. So now every Day of the Dead, I put the altar and bring the offerings, and then my husband appears for a few seconds. So I can keep his image in my memory and find strength to live on without him.

After my husband’s death I was so deeply in grief. But the Virgin of Guadalupe brought my husband’s soul back as a cat who one day came to my kitchen. I know it’s him, these are his eyes, the same lonely look and something else. When I saw the cat, I got overwhelmed and filled with emotions. I was so excited. I can’t tell anybody about him because people would say I’m crazy — and it can be the truth. However, the most important thing is that I’m very happy with the cat.

I thank you, Virgin of San Juan, for I found my resignation. For a long time I couldn’t believe that Maria had left me. Although I wanted to drown my grief in alcohol, there was always somebody who was worrying about me. I ask you, Virgin, to protect my brother.

Pedro Mejia
Mexico City
April 17, 1983

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When my son Juan’s horse died I couldn’t imagine he’d grieve so deeply. He climbed on the stable roof and refused to come down to eat and to sleep. Thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan his godfather Carlos gave him a colt. My boy became happy again and started to eat. I offer this retablo to the Virgin.