Virgin of Guadalupe

Holy Virgin, may I, even drunk, not forget you.

2011, Tzintzuntzan, Michoacan

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I went to the mountains to gather wood. I was about to eat my juicy chicken when the Bony Death appeared and asked me for the half of my chicken. With all my heart, I implored the Virgin of Guadalupe. The horrible apparition sat down to eat in silence and then disappeared.

Eustaquio Cortez

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Frida’s ghost keeps appearing in her workshop. It go on painting and partying. Virgin of Guadalupe, let her rest in peace. The dead into the pits, the living to enjoy.

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Daniel thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving him from dying during a dangerous surgery on a ruptured hernia. He was between life and death and now thanks for the received favor.

January 25, 1985
Tacubaya, Mexico City

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Thanks. I was able to do my best magic trick. Thanks, V(irgin of) G(uadalupe).

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Thank you, Virgin, for the miracle of curing me from a deadly illness.

Pedro Morales, 11–Nov.–90

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Nayely thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for granting her her health after she was stabbed by a client when he was paying her. Now she’s back at this corner to work as a prostitute and she begs you wholeheartedly to protect her.


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We were brought to a very strange king. Thanks for he didn’t hurt us.

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I’m thanking, with all my heart, the Virgin of Guadalupe for keeping our family tradition of knitting. My mother and grand-mother were weavers and they taught me since I was little girl. My serapes, huipils and rebozos are highly valued among the foreign tourists who buy them when they visit my town.

Obdulia Trejo ~ Chiapas

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To you, Virgin of Guadalupe, I entrust to rest the lost souls who appear in the bar.

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Virgin of Guadalupe, I entrust my boyfriend Cayetano Macias to you, look after him because he’s gone in a six-month trip.

Esperanza Acevedo

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for letting me arrive in time to not allow my kitty to make a mistake listening the indecorous offers from an ugly stray cat who had approached her. My kitty is very refined, and I want her descendants to be from a pedigree cat, — not from any cat. I’m going to find a fiancé worthy of her.

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El Santo thanks the Virgin for the miracle of winning the wrestling championship.

April 21, 1968

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